-Mar 24, 20232 minHow to Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Tips for EveryoneTips from a trauma therapist on how to support quality sleep.
-Dec 19, 20221 minDelightfully Free: Upcoming offerings for Childfree womenJoin me on the Delightfully Free journey in 2023 for childfree women! Newsletter sign up to stay up to date on future offerings.
-Dec 14, 20222 minBook Club: Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success"Book recommendation: Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success"
-May 12, 20224 minOn dreams and braving change: moving to Washington We unpacked the U-Haul and three days later there was 18 inches of snow on Christmas Day! Have you been feeling the urge to make a big...
-Apr 20, 20222 minWELCOME TO OUR BOOK CLUB!Here are some of our most frequently recommended books to clients and colleagues.