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EMDRIA Conference 2022

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

To My EMDR Colleagues,

This September the yearly EMDRIA Conference will be held online once again. For new EMDR therapists still figuring out the lay of the land and trying to make sense of all the EMDR organizations, EMDRIA is the EMDR International Association for EMDR therapists, akin to AAMFT or CAMFT for Marriage and Family Therapists or NASW for Licensed Clinical Social Workers.

While I will miss seeing my fellow EMDR colleagues and friends in person this year, I'm excited to be participating once again from the comfort of my home in cozy clothes with a stash of cold sparkling waters nearby, hot coffee on the stove, and all my favorite food and snacks at my finger tips!

If you have not already signed up for this year's conference, I want to offer a little nudge to do so. Being a therapist can get lonely and its hard work. It's been especially hard for most of us over the last few years. Coming together with your colleagues in these spaces can be invigorating, inspiring, and provide renewed energy to your practice. You have an opportunity to learn from some of the most experienced and innovative leaders in our field. Every conference and training I attend leads to new learning that helps me to connect more dots. They also increase my understanding of EMDR therapy, neuroscience, and lead me to cultivate new ideas and innovations of my own. I find my experiences as a therapist are often normalized, and I come away feeling supported, connected, and capable of providing greater service to my clients.

At this year's EMDRIA Conference there are over 17 topic areas and 37 sessions to choose from and opportunities to gain CEUs.

The conference has a Spanish series again and new programs in addition to the presentations, such as:

  • Topic Focus Q&A

  • Self-Care Sessions

  • Leadership Series

  • EMDR Early Intervention Series

  • Opportunities for Networking

I hope to see you in the online spaces this year, and share in this great opportunity to learn and grow. If you should find you have any questions following the conference that you'd like to explore in consultation, you can schedule time with me by calling (760)314-4644.

I look forward to coming together in person for conferences in the future! In the meantime, stay safe, take care of yourself and each other.

In Solidarity,


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